Hey hey heyyyyyyyy 👋🏼
The purpose of this site is for….me, in honor of my selfishness and egomania! In addition to some laughs and observations.
I figure, instead of telling my jokes and posting my observations, aka WITTICISMS, in to the endless ether of “social media” and lending myself away like that, I’ll just be over here posting my own musings and bemusings in a space that feels more of my own. “Social media” is great for some things - such as finding cool sites like this - but not most things. Plus, a girl wants some italics here and there, SHIT!
House Rules/T&Cs, and then more background b.s. below:
We cite our work and give credit where it is due! I’ll do my best to hyperlink and/or footnote. When it comes to the memes, it is the same game, though we all know how often that stuff is lifted and republished without proper credit.
Holla at your girl to correct cites, fix a broken link, or send me a notification that some “page” has lifted my posts!
Thanks for stopping by, and yet you don’t have to be here! It’s wild! This Internet is vast, it is wide, it is a toilet. It is a place to escape, to belong, to be a contributor, to be a voyeur, and on and on. The comments here are on, and respectfulness is expected. Therefore, if you want to be negative or cruel or provocative, but not in the fun-provocative-Cardi B way, let me let you go…
No for real though - there’s respectful discourse, then there’s…whatever most people think they’re doing.
TL;DR - it’s my house, so it’s my rules.
I contain multitudes.
We are all God’s children, and therefore fallible. I’m trying harder and harder (…and harder….oh my) to assume positive intent, so let’s bring that happy crap to this space, too. I guess. IDK, I don’t wholly buy in to all of that (e.g., that means Ann Coulter has good intentions, ya know?!) but it’s the sentiment du jour and I’m not a complete monster all the time, so, here we go.
Social media accounts are linked to this blog, but the point is to uhhhhhh not be on social media?!??! I wavered on this but decided to snag some usernames on the front end. I’m not a marketing professional, but I’m no dummy either. Therefore, the activity on those pages will be reposting what I write here. Cool?? Cool. / Why am I explaining this? Is capitalism winning??????? Le sigh.
At any rate, people lift jokes all the time, and since I fully believe in comedy karma, those people who lift but don’t cite get found out eventually, be that a deserved call out or they are found out due to lack of any originality or cleverness.
Should I be so fortunate for affiliate relationships and other sponsorships, I will be transparent on that. And I plan on gettin’ that fkn money! $$$
List and theories inspired by and in full agreement with Aminatou Sow.
At the risk of dating myself #SelfLove, but in the days of g.d. away messages on AIM and when Facenuts used to be fun, the feedback to my writing - shoot, even work emails - was, “You’re so funny!” “You say what others are thinking!” “You post such interesting stuff!” “I can HEAR YOU saying this!” (that’s the best one). I’ve played on a few social media sites, and it’s cool how each has its own voice, its own beat to it. Twitter is not Tumblr, Instagram is Facenuts-lite and OF COURSE I want to see your kid crying on Santa’s (or your…) lap, I’m too old for TikTok but my o my is that shit funny. I maintain “personal” accounts on some of these sites, though was most active on Facenuts. As I said before, I seek a space for my own beat, my own voice - casual, sardonic, funny, sentimental, opinionated, humble (LOL), all wrapped up in my writing, the articles I share, the random one-liners I spew.
I guarantee you will find better writers and blogs out there, or more astute observations. There’s other blogs called “Lo & Behold” — I’m not doing anything unique here, but I’m excited to do this all the same! Like, hi! Anyhow, if you find those funnier, more astute writings, send ‘em my way so I can sharpen my own! What I’m saying is it is not a zero sum game, after all - lots of talent to be had. Plus, in order to be a better writer, one must be a better reader.
Finally, the meaning behind the website name: It’s a cool segue in storytelling, simple as that. The phrase was in an article I posted to a personal social media page not too long ago, and I kept saying it / thinking about it. I have been wanting to do this website for a long while, and had been mulling over names, and this one sang to me, and I’m grateful it did, hipster-law-office ampersand and all.
Thanks for coming by, please mind your manners, wear sunscreen, and see you on the Interwebs.