“FBI”? More like FBWhy
FBI Potentially Endangered Female Staffers by Using Their Photos to Lure Sexual Predators, Watchdog Says by Justin Rohrlich via Daily Beast.
These folks are supposed to be the top of the heap? The folks we’re supposed to revere? Investigators who do not keep track of their investigatory methods? For real?
According to the eight-page document, titled Notification of Concerns regarding Use of Photographs of FBI Employees for Online Undercover Operations, the FBI’s undercover policy says that “[s]upport personnel will not be used in undercover roles unless it is absolutely necessary” and “personally authorized” by the special agent in charge (SAC) at the field office conducting the investigation. The SAC also “must certify that the support employee has volunteered for the assignment and is capable of performing the role and provide a detailed explanation as to why a sworn [law enforcement officer] cannot be utilized.”
But the OIG found this rule was not always followed. Moreover, the OIG said there was no official policy requiring agents to obtain “written informed consent” from a bureau employee not certified as an undercover agent before using their photos, no requirement to obtain approval from their supervisors, and that there was “otherwise no oversight” involved. In the case that was the main focus of the OIG’s inquiry, the special agent overseeing it allegedly didn’t keep records of which employees’ photos he used, nor the sites on which he went “fishing” for predators.
Got it, so if there’s no rule, you haven’t exactly done anything wrong, BUT BUT BUT the overarching rule is “Hey how about not? How about agents need to participate in oh, IDK, agent work. Not office workers.” So, the release and the consent was not contemplated because “the Bureau” likely didn’t think any regular-shmegular-degular square-ass FBI agent they hired would do this!! Geez-us.
This just sounds like a way to get pics for a spank bank, and not for a serious investigation or sting operation. My goodness….