NCAA v. SCOTUS bracket heyyyy

I like sports, but the business of sports gets U-G-L-Y.

However, when professional sports leagues are telling the NCAA to get it together, albeit via amicus briefs, (well, the respective players’ associations) you know something is up.

I am very curious to see how this plays out in court, oh hey now with the double entendres!!!

Prediction: Chief Justice John G. Roberts writes the majority opinion, whatever that is. He’s a baseball guy, b/c of course he is, but I’m hopeful he helps stick a nail in to the NCAA and its corrupt, ridiculous practices.

Multiple Pro Players Associations File Brief Backing College Athletes in NCAA Supreme Court Case, by Ben Pickman via


“A White Man’s Bad Day”, by Roxane Gay


“Remembering Allan McDonald: He Refused To Approve Challenger Launch”