The Costume Plot

Clothes, costumes, and fashion has always dazzled me. I worked retail in late high school and in to my 20s b/c hellooooo discounts! I can sew a button and repair a seam, maybe one day I’ll take a sewing course, but the fit and the fabrics and how it photographs and how the wearer wears the clothes and ultimately the story clothes tell is what has always hooked me. So, by extension, movie/television making fascinates me, too!

I am grateful to have come across the podcast The Costume Plot, hosted by professional costume designers Jojo Siu and Sarah Timm. It’s a detailed summary of costumes and color usage and quite enjoyable in a podcast despite its inherently visual medium. LOVING IT so far, check it out!


Image is copyright of The Costume Plot podcast.


The Gym


Reading is fundamental, periodically :)