“TITSOUT” vanity plates in Maine
This is, well, the tits:
A NATION CONCEIVED IN LIBERTY CONFRONTS ITS QUEASINESS WITH THE “MILF MOBILE”: A new law banning “vulgar” vanity plates sets the stage for a free speech showdown in the Pine Tree State. by Nathan Bernard via The Intercept.
“I’m no prude or interested in letting Big Brother run our lives, but what we are now allowing has gone way beyond the original intent of the vanity plate program,” [state Sen. William] Diamond said. “This is not an attempt to implement strict puritan guidelines. … There are plenty of opportunities for free speech.”
Are there??? Just boot up my printing press or get my own radio station? Come on…
Diamond’s proposal asserts that vanity plates are “state property” and can be recalled at any time. It also allows the secretary of state to reject “vulgar and obscene” plate applications.
Maine’s current secretary of state, Shenna Bellows, strongly supports Diamond’s proposal. She testified in favor of his vanity plate bill at a public hearing before the state Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Transportation on May 4.
“One of my favorite games on road trips as a kid was the license plate game. But sadly, this is not a game I’d recommend to kids on Maine’s roadways today,” Bellows said during her testimony. “You just can’t escape the proliferation of the F-word or worse. And that’s because we have witnessed a rise in offensive plates.”
Bellows said about 420 plates are currently vulgar enough to be banned. Examples include thinly veiled profanities like “PHUK U2,” “IEATA55,” “L8RBTCH,” and “PPL SUC.” Online acronyms like “OMWTFYB,” which means “On My Way To Fuck Your Bitch,” and “OMGSTFU,” or “Oh My God Shut The Fuck Up,” were also included on Bellows’s target list.
Very very few people are in charge of your children except for you, moreover their boredom is hardly a reason to limit the speech of tax-paying, license plate buying adults b/c you can’t figure out another way to occupy your kids in the car.
I think these vanity plates are all hilarious and the state of Maine is whack for not taking full advantage of this and charging out the wazoo for vanity plates. I’ll be curious to see how this goes.