Unfinished Projects

  1. Read every entry in The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Vols. I and II.

  2. Make croissants

  3. Go to law school lOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLLLL

  4. Pay off debt so I can acquire debt I actually want to acquire (PLASTIC SURGERY YAYYYYY you are NOT beautiful the way you are, trolls!)

  5. Learn to sew for real for real.

  6. Dropped out of this English lit. class senior year of college all because I got bronchitis over spring break and couldn’t do some necessary research and instead of oh, asking for an extension or something mature like that, I just dropped out. Sure, you can quit whatever whenever you want, but still….this is something young me did and I need to voice it b/c I regret it. So: forgive myself, and keep reading and writing and ask for help when I need it are the goals/lessons out of this one.

  7. Eradicate guilt from events like the above.

  8. Switch my spring/summer clothes with my fall/winter clothes in my closet.

  9. Buy another litter box for the basement so I feel less bad about shutting my cat down there overnight on accident. (He loves to catch bugs/spiders down there!)

  10. Fix my fucking dresser which got stuck in a doorway in 2009 and still needs to be buffed out.

  11. Finish the independent consultant course I purchased by my arbitrary deadline of September 30, 2021. (I’ll do it!)

  12. Stop picking my cuticles.

  13. Improve my handwriting. [nahhhhh…]

  14. Maybe accept things a little sooner than I do. Hey, I’m a sulker, whatever! I love a good sulk in the tub! A sulky soak!

  15. Go to The Container Store, walk around, get overwhelmed, and not buy anything despite needing to properly store my Christmas stuff, old clothes I don’t want to give away but don’t need around, and organize my g.d. silverware drawer.

  16. Ohhhhh figure out the newsletter option on this g.d. site once and for all.

  17. Get my wedding dress cleaned and preserved. HAHAHAHAHA. [Married in 2015.]

  18. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up.

  19. Learn all the choreography in Rihanna’s SAVAGE X FENTY shows ooo lala!

  20. For YEARS, I had this lil bump on my nose. It was white, kinda looked like a scar, and it wasn’t a pimple, and no aesthetician ever mentioned it or primary care doctor. This bump didn’t get bigger and it didn’t get smaller, it was just there on my nose. Probably only I saw it b/c I’m obsessed with my face. Have you seen me?! Gorgeous! Anyway, just a few weeks ago, I saw my lil bump “friend” (roommate? on my face?) burst a little. I took a Q-tip / cotton swab and kept putting witch hazel on it to drain out this situation at hand. It scabbed over, and thank goodness I work from home so I could just tend to her and put Aquaphor on her and let the scab do her thang. I was serially a cuticle (see above) and face/pimple picker, but I held super strong here and it worked out! This goofy, random bump on my own nose that I was likely the only one to know about, is finally gone!

  21. No but legit I do have some medical bills to pay off.

  22. Universal healthcare.

  23. Watch all Best Picture Academy Award winners in order from forever (ugh, and that’s b/c usually the movie that should win and the movie that does win doesn’t line up as often as it should.)

  24. Maybe best Actor/Actress winner’s films, too.

  25. Not taking things personally. I feel like I resolve it in some ways, only for it to pop up in others.

  26. This list.


“College Student Who Pinched Sign During Capitol Riot Weeps as She Gets Prison Time”


I cannot stop thinking about this article!!