“Who opened a jar of pretty?!”
I have plenty of great memories working in downtown Denver. I have plenty of terrible ones too #WORK #AMIRITE.
ANYWAY, the great parts about downtown are the wonderful food spots, the walkability, and amazing characters that make Denver weird. The last office I worked at downtown was near to Welton Street and the 16th Street Mall where a jovial, hilarious shoeshine dude did his bits and made his work. His name was Claude Thompson and he passed away this week. I would frequently walk past him, as Denver’s weather is usually agreeable for a stroll at lunch, and oh man, the lines out of this guy’s mouth were epic! It’s like you would go out of your way to pass him just to hear what he had to say. The title of this post is the line that sticks out most in my memory (god that job sucked a lot of the time and to hear a stranger call me pretty was great. I have zero qualms being as shallow as I am.) Like all of us, I’m sure he had his own inappropriate comments he made at relative strangers. Bah, I can hear him yelling his “shoe shiiiiine” in between those colorful comments. Le sigh. May this gem of a human Rest In Peace. Thanks for the giggles, Mr. Thompson.