
I recently made goulash for the first time ever. It’s mad weird, but strangely good at the same time. Now that I’m a few days out, I think I made this dish just so I can keep saying “goulash”.

See, in Quarantine Season 1, and that first panic shop, we grabbed a big bag of spaetzel and thar it has sat in our pantry. It’s fun to make different versions of meat/noodle or rice/sauce. My spouse doesn’t like cheese all that much #Weirdo, just on regular stuff like pizza and some lasagna. I like cheese but it’s also terrible for you, I’m pretty vain and pretend to try to eat healthy, so plenty of our dishes are sans cheese. When I do have cheese, I feel like I’m cheating on my spouse hahahaha and that’s just gonna be whatever.

First night, this dish was 7 out of 10. Reheated, meh, down a few notches. I don’t want to bash my own cooking after all!


GameStop puttin’ a stop on the market!


“Nope, nope, nope”