Jac West Jac West


Kelis on Finding Freedom Through Farming, by Roxane Gay via Harper’s Bazaar.

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Jac West Jac West

LOL fuck Uber and all its hangers-on

“And when it comes to getting around not just New York City but any city, Uber’s business model is, frankly, never going to be sustainable from a financial, environmental, or spatial perspective. “Uber has been losing billions of dollars for years and years,” says Robin Chase, founder of the New Urban Mobility Alliance. “Raising their prices is the only way they’ll ever break even or become profitable.”

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Jac West Jac West

Debi Mazar is a g.d. delight

Gingher Stork Embroidery Scissors

“I have scissors like these in every size. I buy them all over the world, vintage and new. I like them because I’m a bird-watcher. I keep pairs in my bag, all over the house, and in my dressing room. I give them to people, too — because I can’t stop buying them, but I don’t know what to do with all these fucking scissors.”

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Jac West Jac West

Props to the self-aware journalists out there!

“Hard as it is to believe, Osaka’s function as an entertainer and corporate billboard is contingent on her playing tennis at an appointed hour, rather than being forced to sit in a windowless room explaining herself to a roomful of middle-aged men.”

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Jac West Jac West

“The Woman Who Made van Gogh”

“The brothers’ dying so young, Vincent at 37 and Theo at 33, and without the artist having achieved renown — Theo had managed to sell only a few of his paintings — would seem to have ensured that Vincent van Gogh’s work would subsist eternally in a netherworld of obscurity. Instead, his name, art and story merged to form the basis of an industry that stormed the globe, arguably surpassing the fame of any other artist in history. That happened in large part thanks to Jo van Gogh-Bonger. She was small in stature and riddled with self-doubt, had no background in art or business and faced an art world that was a thoroughly male preserve. Her full story has only recently been uncovered. It is only now that we know how van Gogh became van Gogh.”

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Jac West Jac West

Framed for Murder By His Own DNA

“What happened, although months would pass before anyone figured it out, was that Lukis Anderson's DNA had found its way onto the fingernails of a dead man he had never even met.”

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Jac West Jac West


“Listening intently, Goldberg takes in her earnest acceptance speech — which, though she’s been asked to recall the experience over the years, she hasn’t seen in a while — and shares her takeaways.

“I looked really good,” she says. “My hair was cool. Dress was cute.”

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Jac West Jac West


The other day, I asked my beloved to please rinse his dishes when he puts them in the sink. He said, “That’s what the dishwasher is for.” Instead of burning the house to the ground, I put on eyeshadow and reminded myself that we’re all just big children running around and the “roommate shit” side of marriage is for the g.d. birds.

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Jac West Jac West

Foster Care, The State, and $$$

“But to youth advocates, the fact that many agencies spend children’s money on children’s services doesn’t make it better. That means kids are being made to pay for their own foster care — a public service that federal law and laws in all 50 states require the government to pay for.”

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