Nostalgia Train - July 21, 2001

This morning we went to Blessington Lake where we kayaked on the lake and did archery. Kayaking was extremely frustrating and much harder to do than I thought. We all changed in to wet suits and we all looked ridiculous but I would have gone naked…the scenery was gorgeous. Right by the mountains. After that we were off to Glendalough to look at the ancient monastery there. It was quite a powerful experience. The thing that is overwhelming me the most is the history that is here. The United States cannot even compare.

We got home and after dinner, Sue, our homestay mom took us to Tara Hill, where St. Patrick is buried. That was incredible because when you got to the hill you could see across 17 counties. We were lucky that the sky was pretty clear, so it was a gorgeous view.

Tonight is our last night in our homestay :( I stayed up with Sue until about 1 am just talking. It was so great. I will really miss it here.

Jill and Carly sent me ecards. (Carly sent like 4). And the one they sent together was so nice. It showed two peas in a pod and one was missing. I wanted to cry! But I didn’t. I am going off to Waterford tomorrow, which I”m excited to do.

I think it’s Tower Hill but the brogue from Sue the homestay mom threw me off!

I wonder what’s up with my, “I wanted to cry but I didn’t” sentiment….odd.

I wish I had more of my own pics of Blessington Lake! Clearly I was conserving pics or was self-conscious about being in a wetsuit and worried about dropping the camera in the lake WEEEEE. Guess I’ll have to find some shots on the inter webs!

I’m so glad I kept this journal. Well, we had to as part of the trip, but what a gas of a time I am having re-reading these entries now.


Nostalgia Train - July 22, 2001


Nostalgia Train - July 20, 2001