“A White Man’s Bad Day”, by Roxane Gay
“Language matters but it will not bring an end to racism. This rise in anti-Asian violence has to stop, the same way police brutality against black and brown people has to stop. But saying that will not make it so. It is up to our elected leaders to do more than offer their absolutely useless thoughts and prayers and tepid directives. There have to be consequences for racism. We need more than hashtags. We need more than symbolic gestures on Instagram. We sure as hell do not need people turning their avatars into yellow squares. We need more than allyship. We need to intervene when we see or hear anti-Asian discrimination in ourselves, with our friends and loved ones, in our communities. If we do not hold this line, if we do not take this stand, we will lose more ground to white supremacy than we already have. All of us need to condemn this violence and we need to do so in specific terms. A hate crime was committed. It was vicious, gendered, and racially motivated. It was about class, the fetishization of Asian women, and men feeling entitled to sex. To eradicate this kind of moral rot, we need to name every part of it.”
NCAA v. SCOTUS bracket heyyyy
When professional sports leagues are telling the NCAA to get it together, you know something is up.
“Remembering Allan McDonald: He Refused To Approve Challenger Launch”
“His job was to sign and submit an official form. Sign the form, he believed, and he'd risk the lives of the seven astronauts set to board the spacecraft the next morning. Refuse to sign, and he'd risk his job, his career and the good life he'd built for his wife and four children.
"And I made the smartest decision I ever made in my lifetime," McDonald [said]. "I refused to sign it.”
“Out There: On Not Finishing”, by Devin Kelly
“Each time I made it through another lap and then shuffled into the next one, the voices of my friends got a little quieter, until one lap, when I came around, they had gone to sleep. I felt suddenly selfish, and sad, that I had abandoned spending time with people I loved so that I could search for meaning by myself. One lap, I was alone under a field of stars, soaking wet, skin steaming. I tried to see the stars, to see all of them, but my headlamp’s glare made it impossible. So I turned off my head lamp and offered myself to the dark. It was freezing, my lips trembled. What is the point of all of this, I asked myself, what is the fucking point.”
Fkn Goop, but it’s all of us…
“In other words, as long as medicine continues to leave people with uteruses behind, the market will be ripe for Paltrow’s style of pseudo wellness.” -Andréa Becker, Bitch Media
Breonna Taylor was asleep.
“Anything Could Disappear” by Danielle Evans
Great short story! Give it a read!
“Separated by Design” - CT and affordable housing
Geez, this article was a doozy.
Meghan “I know my worth” Markle
Read More“Who opened a jar of pretty?!”
“HEHE, ME!” -RIP to the Denver Shoe Shine guy, Claude Thompson!
As the Nest Eggs Turn
“Standley Lake eagle couple caps year of drama with an egg in the nest”
Eat me, Martha!
What Martha Stewart eats in a day via Harper’s Bazaar.
The Affair via Showtime via Amazon Prime via McNulty via The Wire
McNulty has an affair…..
The ‘demic - Year 1
So….here we are….one year or thereabouts in to this nightmare, containable, bullshit of a pandemic.
OK, now that I complained, let me lean in to what I am grateful for / lessons learned from the last year:
Obviously, anyone can have a podcast.
Questlove and Maya Rudolph - comedy and music
Barb & Star
Hot dog soup.
Mem’ries - RS subscription cancellation
1. Led Zeppelin broke up in 1980.