🚽🚽“Clean Comedy”🚽🚽

To Paradise, a novel novel GET IT?! (I’m tired after 704 pages!)
Get ready to read, hunny!
Vagina Dentata

“John Gotti wanted his double chin removed,” [Artist Jane Rosenberg] told the New York Post. And they “always want more hair. I get that all the time.” -messynessychic.com

Not such a “dumb blonde” afterall!
“How Jessica Simpson Almost Lost Her Name: The pop star’s billion-dollar fashion brand fell into the hands of the wrong company. After a two-year battle, she finally bought it back.” - Bloomberg.com

Ye Ol’ Leadfoot
“The nation’s most disobeyed law is dysfunctional from top to bottom. The speed limit is alternately too low on interstate highways, giving police discretion to make stops at will, and too high on local roads, creating carnage on neighborhood streets. Enforcement is both inadequate and punitive. The cost is enormous. And the lack of political will to do something about it tracks with George Carlin’s famous observation that everybody going faster than you is a maniac and everybody going slower than you is an idiot. The consensus is: Enforce the speed limit. But not on me, please. Because while it would be nice to save 10,000 lives a year, it sure is fun to drive fast.” Slate.com

Goodbye 2021, FOR FUCKING REAL THIS TIME, and thanks for the change! 💎 - pt. 2
What in the wildfire fuck…..

Goodbye 2021, and thanks for the change! 💎
“Aged & Sharp”
“Paul Smith, an officer who helps Neville manage the unit, told me that one day someone showed him an image of a crime that had taken place not far from his home: a kid had stolen a charity box from a gas station. When Smith saw the image, he was aghast. It was his stepson. Smith’s stepson is autistic and is dependent on a caregiver, yet there he was: the same jacket, the same posture, the same manner of thrusting his hands in his pockets. “It was going to cause a lot of issues for me,” Smith told me. “But I have a duty to be impartial.” Before saying anything to his colleagues, he decided to check the original video. His identification was wrong. “When I looked at the image, it was him,” he said. “But when he moved it wasn’t.” 😲
“College Student Who Pinched Sign During Capitol Riot Weeps as She Gets Prison Time”
“She claimed she just “followed the crowd” on Jan. 6 and hadn’t even voted in the 2020 election.” 🙏🏼😂
Unfinished Projects
I cannot stop thinking about this article!!
Outside my window…

Nostalgia Train - September 11, 2001
Never too late!!
A stunning second act! Meet the people who changed course in midlife – and loved it. by Emine Saner via The Guardian.
Ocean City, MD’s finest - Seacrets 🐚🦀
“It’s hard to see the stage fully, though—something is in my way. Oh, wait. It’s someone in a headband topped with wiggling dicks.”